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ID: 3V7224
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Subtitution for this item is:
FTN01 trolley voltage filter (for M600 converter)FTN01 trolley voltage filter (for M600 converter)
on demand
1,2 kg
*picture is illustrative only
Length 240 mm

In order to increase immunity of the converter against atmospheric overvoltage (lightning strike into the overhead contact lines), Elektroline offers also a filter for very high voltage peaks. Elektroline can provide DC-DC converter with this filter or without it.

The filter is installed directly under the converter and is therefore produced without any cover as the converter itself serves as a cover of the filter.
Previous version of catalogue item:
Operation voltage filter FTN01 (for M600/24)Operation voltage filter FTN01 (for M600/24)
on demand
1,2 kg