Vyplněním tohoto formuláře uděluji společnosti Elektroline a.s., jakožto správci, souhlas se zpracováním poskytnutých osobních údajů, a to v souladu s obecným nařízením o ochraně osobních údajů (EU) 2016/679.

The web application is powered by the modern technologies. It has been fine tuned with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The application should run on other kinds of modern browsers, which fully support web standards. In the case you the browser, which does not support modern web standars, eg. MS Internet Explorer, MS Edge, we cannot guarantee full corect web functionality and smooth user experience.


R&D and IT

For passionate SW, HW and IT fans

What is our workplace like?

Why work for us?

Secure job and income

Opportunity for growth and development in your current field or in another

You will see the rewarding results of work behind you

We reward ideas and creativity

We’ve grown from a family business and we care about our people. It’s not just a statement.

Interesting projects that help millions of people every day travel in cities around the world

And for fun – opportunity to join many extracurricular activities including biking and skiing enthusiasts; all of us meet at least twice a year (e.g. for bowling or a grilled pig)

We offer a lot of employee benefits and perks as part of our wellbeing policy